SP0055 - Bondi Sewage Pumping Station
SP0055 has been providing essential sewage pumping services to Bondi since it opened in 1927. It sits just behind Sydney's iconic Bondi Beach and is the site for the demonstration of the S4 Project technologies.
Sydney Water have a network of over 680 sewage pumping stations across their network, connected by over 25,500 km of pipes to 16 treatment plants. These sewage pumping stations serve a critical purpose in moving wastewater through Sydney Water's network, so energy security and resilience is paramount at these sites.
Sydney Water selected SP0055 as the demonstration site for the S4 Project technology, and we're working together to design an overall energy management system that will showcase the sodium-ion battery technology while providing real solutions for Syndey Water's energy resilience needs.
SP0055 renewable energy generation system
A renewable energy generation system has been designed and installed at SP0055, and was commissioned in October 2019. This system includes 6 kW of solar PV panels installed on the roof of the sewage pumping station, which will generate approximately 8,800 kWh of energy per year - more than double what the site consumes.
This system currently has a temporary lithium-ion battery pack installed, which will be used to test and benchmark the system before we begin installing S4 Project-developed technology.
Soon we'll begin installing the custom-developed Energy Management System (EMS), which included innovative efficiency and optimisation algorithms designed to ensure the system operates at peak performance and meets the energy resilience needs of the site.
Once we've tested the S4 Project sodium-ion batterey technology at the Illawarra Flame House, we'll be installing a 30 kWh sodium-ion battery pack at SP0055 - showcasing the benefits and potential of this exciting technology.

SP0055 renewable energy system installation partners
To ensure we had the best possible testbed and demonstration environment for our sodium-ion battery technology, the S4 Project engaged experts CNF & Associates and OTG Energy to help design, install and commission the renewable energy generation system at SP0055.
CNF & Associates
CNF & Associates is a leading multidisciplinary engineering firm delivering projects across the Renewable, Water, Energy and Manufacturing sectors. CNF brings together a team of people with the right skills and experience for each project; ensuring the expertise needed to deliver the best outcomes for the project are always available. This multidisciplinary approach requires established expertise across renewable, process, electrical, mechanical, civil and structural engineering which is complemented by specialist industry expertise.
OTG Energy
OTG Energy are the preferred supplier of Renewable Energy Power Solutions to Residential, Commercial and Government Clients. We are committed to finding end-to-end solutions to meet sustainable needs and reduce not only energy operating costs but also carbon footprint. Our staff at OTG Energy are highly experienced in electrical contracting and have the experience and knowledge to deliver projects in a professional and timely manner. We are passionate about renewable and sustainable energy solutions on all scales and we work with clients to tailor the right product for their needs.